Statistics Show Changes In Rate Of Workplace Injuries & Fatalities

It has been a statistical truism for some time that the most serious injuries & fatalities (SIFs) in the workplace occur at the height of summer, in July and August. However, a recent study from ISN Software Corp. shows that January’s average rate for SIFs has also steadily risen in recent years. There are several reasons for this, which can be particularly relevant with regards to workers’ compensation claims.
The January statistics show a roughly 32 percent decrease in ‘events’ from 2020 to 2021, but Q3 also showed a comparable drop in events of about 38 percent. In both years, the total amounts were within 100 of each other, when January has historically been a low time for such accidents. The study does acknowledge the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic, but only in terms of fewer overall events, rather than in explaining the rate.
What this all means for workers’ compensation claims is that if January continues to be a ‘hotspot’ for accidents on the job, in theory employers may be able to train their workers to better avoid these incidents. ISN’s proposed explanations for the increase include assuming more workers returning to work with “low morale” and “lack of focus” – this certainly may be the case for many, but employers must also be aware of the possibility of being underprepared for business to resume after the holidays.
Every employer in Connecticut – anyone who has 1 or more employees, with rare exceptions – must carry workers’ compensation insurance, and is required to pay benefits if the employee can establish that they were injured on the job. Regardless of the time of year or alleged ‘low morale,’ Connecticut law establishes workers’ compensation as the exclusive remedy for an on-the-job injury, in exchange for the employee waiving their right to sue their employer. Failure to pay a valid claim can land an employer in court.
Contact A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you have a workers’ compensation claim to make with your employer, it is important to do so quickly. A Stratford, CT workers’ compensation attorney from the Morizio Law Firm can help answer any questions you may have about the process, regardless of the time of year. Call our office today for a free consultation.